Praying Makers Group
EVERYONE can be part of
Do the words' prayer shawl' conjure images of items placed around the shoulders, intended for bodily warmth and comfort, often knit or crocheted? Our Praying Makers Group is NOT only about shawls. It can also be about baby blankets, scarves, hats, or lap robes. The purpose of the ministry is to share with others the warmth and love from your hands and your heart, no matter the name of the finished item.
The PMG (Praying Makers Group) welcomes crafters of all varieties who are willing to share their talents through gifts of love. If you're eager to make baby blankets, please do if you're willing to make lap robes, amen. If you're willing to donate materials for crafters, thank you very much! Sewers, knitters, crocheters, or weavers, to name a few, you are all welcome and needed.
2 Corinthians 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Prayer Shawls are creations of shawls or lap blankets made by knitting, crocheting, sewing, weaving, and so on, to be given to people in need or at special times of celebration. Often, they are given in times of grief, serious illness, or other loss; the shawls can also be given at times of celebration like adoption, baby birth, significant anniversary, or birthday.
EVERYONE will send shawls out with prayer. Shawls are dedicated during worship service, with the entire congregation praying for those who will receive the shawls.
Everyone needs to be part of identifying those who receive shawls. No single individual can know the needs of everyone within our congregation or among our community, so the entire congregation needs to be the eyes and ears that identify those who would be blessed by receiving a shawl and ongoing prayer. There is no need to check with a committee; you may choose a shawl and deliver it when you know of a need. Any individual may choose a shawl to be given, record the name and need or occasion of sharing in the prayer book, and deliver the prayer shawl on behalf of the congregation. This will ensure there is ongoing prayer. Shawls and the prayer book will be housed in the usher's closet by the Market St. entrance once work is completed in the sanctuary.
EVERYONE can help provide materials for the creation of prayer shawls. At this point, we will primarily use yarn, but other materials may be used later.
EVERYONE can use skills they already have or learn new skills to create shawls. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets every second and fourth Wednesday at 10:00 AM in the Covert Room.
Everyone can continue to pray for the needs of those who have received shawls. The prayer book will be kept in the Prayer Shawl area for anyone who wants to pray for the recipients.
I was so, so blessed when I opened your package. The beautiful prayer shawl that was made and consecrated to the Lord truly comforts me as I wrap it around my shoulders in my " prayer chair."
"Thank you for the lovely prayer shawl you prepared for Marcus. Thank you for the prayers and love it was made with and for consecrating it to the Lord. He is often chilly now, and being wrapped in the arms of God and comforted by the Holy Spirit will warm body, soul, and mind indeed."
In 2021, the First Methodist Church began new ministries. We became an Angel Tree sponsor church and started the Praying Makers Group ministry. It is always amazing to see God at work in the timing and connectedness of things. These ministries came together beautifully in December.
During our initial conversation with families, one grandmother shared her struggle. She shared that she had difficulties at that time. The minister coordinator who spoke with her suggested that she might appreciate receiving a prayer shawl. She was very touched and expressed her appreciation for receiving a Prayer Shawl delivered to her from the church.

First Methodist Church Warren
200 Market Street
Warren, Pennsylvania 16365

Office Hours
MON 8:30 am - 4:00 pm - TUE 8:30 am - 4:00 pm - WED 8:30 am - 4:00 pm - THUR 8:30 am - Noon - FRI 8:30 am - Noon