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We are collecting different items monthly to pack shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

A complete list of items will be on the bulletin board

across from the office.


Operation Christmas Child .jpg

Please drop off your items in the room across from the main church office

and mark them Shoebox ministry.


The cost of Operation Christmas Child, which includes processing,

transportation, etc., is $9.00 and can be turned into the office

or put into the collection plate.

~ If it is in the form of a check, please put OCC shoebox in the memo line.

We will have a "Packing Party" in November.



*** Please DO NOT include Candy, toothpaste, gum, used or damaged items, war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures, chocolate or food, seeds, fruit rolls or other fruit snacks, drink mixes (powdered or liquid, liquids or lotions, medications or vitamins, breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers, aerosol cans.

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